The Button of Love

November 17 | 7:30 PM
November 18 | 3:30 PM & 7:30 PM

Presented by Drama One

This Cantonese musical tells the story of Chan Ming Hong, a Cheongsam master, who worked hard to make his daughter Mei Kei a wedding cheongsam before her wedding day. He even made a special flower button to show his love. Mei Kei’s mother passed away when she was very small. Mei Kei did not understand why her father, Ming Hong, left to see her mother at the hospital. This childhood trauma created a rift between father and daughter.

Through understanding, love, and reflection, Ming Hong is able to repair his relationship with his daughter and look forward to the future.

故事以女主角美旗第一身講述自己和父親關係為主線,從不諒解至接受至容納。由於美旗童年陰影,看着自己心愛但患上絕症的母親被父親親手送到醫院,及後更不幸病逝,從此憎恨父親,獨立生活成長,與父親關係甚為疏遠,也型成了她堀強和難相處的性格,她始終不明白父親其實深愛妻子,也自責内咎,他更不明照顧病人的壓力。美旗和父親在各自生活上也面對寂寞,孤單,人事,世事。最後美旗終於遇上心上人Jeff 心理醫生,善解人意,體恤他人的Jeff也慢慢以愛打動改變美旗,讓他理解父親的難處和痛,結婚前席明康切夜趕製當年愛妻穿過的旗袍给美旗作嫁衣,還附上一個以愛做成的龍鳳扣给美旗,美旗得知父親多年來為他所做的事與跟母親的愛為之感動,最後明康為美旗戴上龍鳳扣作完滿结局。

首個加拿大本地大型原創廣東話音樂劇《龍鳳扣》,全劇共8首原創精彩歌曲 ,《一劇場》聚加拿大本地戲劇精英製作,包括監製及策劃蘇柔美,導演潘煒强,作曲彭健元,作詞Peter Poon/ May Soo 及 香港流行曲及電影配編曲 Ken Chan,希望用戲劇、音樂、歌曲打做一個動人的故事,以音樂為媒介,打破語言隔膜,帶給觀眾一個充滿旋律及娛樂性的演出。

  • Ticket Prices

    $40, $50, $60

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