Taiwanese Culture Goodwill Mission of the National Day

September 17, 2023 | 6:00 PM

Presented by Formosa Melody Music Centre

“Double Ten” ROC National Day is here again. Every year, the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) sends “Cultural Goodwill Mission Troupes of National Day” formed by excellent arts groups to perform overseas to showcase Taiwan’s culture and joyfully celebrate together with overseas compatriots. The aim is to enhance overseas compatriots’ emotional bond with Taiwan and increase their understanding of Taiwan through various cultural and arts performances with a Taiwan flavor. 

The cultural goodwill missions were suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the last few years. We were able, however, to use online channels to increase Taiwan’s cultural penetration and continue the promotion of overseas compatriot work. This year, the OCAC will send a Cultural Goodwill Mission Troupe led by “Formosa Melody Music Center” on a performance tour of North and Central America. With the theme “Sound of Taiwan” and famous songs from around the world will be combined with dance and art formation elements; olfactory elements will also be added to present everyone with a unique musical theater experience.


過去3 年因受到新冠肺炎疫情的影響,訪團巡迴訪演無法順利成行,我們嘗試藉由網路及新媒體等多元管道,推出多場線上藝文饗宴,以突破地域、時間及疫情的限制,提升臺灣文化的穿透力,也維持僑務工作推展不中斷。疫後我們終於又能相聚,今年僑務委員會特別遴派「當代樂坊」組成訪演團隊赴北美洲及中美洲巡迴演出,以「讓世界聽見臺灣」為主題,將傳統樂曲、臺灣歌謠、布袋戲、歌仔音樂、流行曲調、民謠及世界名曲,結合舞蹈及藝陣視覺元素,更創新地加入嗅覺元素來提供大家跨感官的美好體驗,打造獨有的音樂環境劇場,將臺灣滿滿的文化能量送給大家,與僑界朋友共同歡慶這欣喜的節日。

  • Ticket Pricing

    Price Zone 1: $35
    Price Zone 2: $25

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